Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mary Belle

While cleaning out some picture drawers I found some pictures of my mother.Please allow me to share this picture and a few thoughts that flooded back through my mind. She was a wonderful mother, very strict in every way from a sparkling house, caring for her children and was a great cook. She could be overbearing at times also. I realize now just how obsessive compulsive and anal she was about a lot of things. It was simply 'her way or the highway'. She ran a very structured household. She was always well kept. Her hair in place, make up, nails done, and I thought she was so pretty. I remember the blouse she is wearing in the picture. It was a coffee color. She wore red lipstick and kept her hair up in curls most of her life. She loved to talk on the telephone with her girlfriends and I would stay close so I could listen to the laughter in the conversations. She had Lupus and passed away away in 1997. Now every day I find myself with so many of her same traits and habits. There is a saying that states , 'You are your mother's daughter'.I resolve that I am, except being the great cook. And I'm fine with that!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Let's be hussies before it's too late!!!!

Now come on girls, haven't we all wanted to be a hussie at least once in our lives?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cherished Moments for James Drew

Someone once said, "Any man can be a father but it takes a special man to be a dad." Someone who makes every day a great experience for his five year old son. He is always there to answer a question, especially the 'why' ones. Sitting him on his lap in front of the computer to teach him something or just to watch Daddy work. Shopping for extra small garden gloves and a 'flower shovel' so he can help Momma plant the daisies. Then, on his day off, when Momma is working, he shops for fabric. And, by hand, designs and sews a costume for his son's little program at school. Scrunched up with his little boy on the bottom bunk bed together watching a Superhero movie: this time seems so trivial, yet it makes such a meaningful memory that will last a lifetime. This is the caring and endearing dad that helps form the pillars of character needed to mold a little boy into a fine man. Then, the love and respect for each other can never fade. Happy Father's Day to my son-in-law, Trey!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Friends, I am going on a trip, will be home in about two weeks. You will see me then. As ever, Shelia